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Reggio Emilia Approach Preschool

From post-war vision to educational revolution: the evolution of Reggio Emilia approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach is a renowned educational philosophy that emphasises child-centred learning through exploration and discovery. Originating in Italy, this approach has gained global recognition for its innovative and effective methods in early childhood education. By prioritising the interests of the children, the Reggio Emilia Approach fosters an environment of creativity and critical thinking.

At our Reggio Emilia inspired preschool, we implement this philosophy to nurture each child’s unique abilities and potential. The classrooms serve as ‘third teachers’, equipped with natural materials that invite curiosity and collaborative learning.

Here, children are co-constructors of knowledge, exploring concepts and ideas through their interactions with both peers and their surroundings. Our educators, well-versed in the Reggio Emilia Approach, are facilitators of learning, guiding the children through their educational journey with care and respect. The curriculum is fluid, adapting to the emerging interests and developmental pace of each child, ensuring a personalised learning experience.

It’s necessary that we believe that the child is very intelligent, that the child is strong and beautiful and has very ambitious desires and requests. This is the image of the child that we need to hold.

– Loris Malaguzzi

100 languages approach

Inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, we embrace the belief that children express themselves uniquely through various “languages” such as art, music and movement. This approach values and nurtures their diverse expressions, offering endless opportunities for them to explore, create and be heard in their learning journey.

Our expedition

Designing an inclusive, dynamic space that fuels lifelong curiosity, creativity and exploration by nurturing each child’s unique potential.

Our roadmap

Envisioning a world where children are seen as capable, innovative researchers of the learning journey. Championing diverse languages, ideas and boundless potential for a collective future.

Our calling

Empowering children as architects of learning, providing support for exploration, creativity and self-expression. Nurturing resilience, compassion and readiness for impactful global contributions.

The upsides of this approach

In this approach children shine uniquely, leading their own learning journey, with adults as fellow explorers. It sparks essential 21st-century skills: critical thinking, problem-solving and flexibility.

Key benefits:

  • Celebrating each child’s distinct gifts
  • Collaborative exploration with adults
  • Fostering crucial skills: critical thinking, problem-solving, coordination and acceptance
  • Children immersed in discovery, contemplating the universe and solving mysteries together

Educators in Reggio Emilia have no intention of suggesting that their program should be looked at as a model to be copied in other countries; rather, they consider their work as an educational experience that consists of reflection of theory, practice and further careful reflection in a program that is continuously renewed and readjusted.

– Lella Gandini

Where exploration knows no bounds.
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